Saturday, October 06, 2007

Bowling Pink???

So no-one asked what we were going to do this week. Well, I think BC has been disrespected long enough. Look at this interview, in a fucking ACC market, pissing on the Eagles.


In case you haven't noticed, it's us against the fucking world. No one outside of the ACC is going to respect us. No one inside the ACC is going to respect us because we are the General Sherman to their Atlanta. You think they like a bunch of not just Yankees but drunk-ass Irish Yankee assholes dominating their conference both in football and in hoops?? Think again.

Tomorrow at noon we take the field against Bowling Green. We are going to murder them, but that's beside the point. If any of you think that we've been doing any more than the bare minimum necessary to win the last two games.....if you think Steve Logan is fucking stupid enough to give anything away that he doesn't have to then I invite you to kill yourself. We have an NFL staff now. That means we won't run the score up on bad teams for the sake of running up the score (as much as I'd like to). It also means we will systematically prison rape good teams, as we did Georgia Tech and Wake.

The Falcons have a good passing attack. They have no running game. I also feel like they don't have much of a D.

Prediction: BC 27, Bowling Green 10

I told my buddy Timmie who lives in LA and I'm telling you all now--if we are 11-0 heading into the Miami game and if he flies out for it, I will go shirtless and in maroon and gold body paint regardless of how cold it is.

Week off for me next week, so you'll get my treatise on Steve Logan's offensive theory as well as a hockey preview before I head off to my first trip to South Bend.



At 6:12 PM, Blogger Bravesbill said...

How in the world is that article disrespectful? BC is not going to run the table. Neither is any other team in nation. That's reality, not disrespect.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger BCNorCal07 said...

I felt the disrespect, but not from the authors. The second question about BC was a tad ridiculous, claiming that BC's last five were SO SO difficult that the Eagles would finish 1-4. But that's ignorance more than anything. I agree with you Bravesbill, it's going to be very very tough for the Eagles to win out, and acknowledging that is only being pragmatic. However, it is time for the rest of the ACC to take notice of the conference's only really good team.


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